How to auto-follow, auto-comment and auto-like a post on Instagram Page with PHP/cURL (2)


In the last article, I use a script to autopost image to Instagram. In this article, here is a script to auto-follow, auto-like and auto-comment a batch of Instagram posting based on specific tag search results.
You need to set a group of targeted tag (or keywords). The script will randomly pick up one tag each time and search for most recent postings with this tag. To avoid being detected by Instagram, the script will only auto-follow, auto-like and auto-comment not more than 40 (you can set your number in the script) postings each batch.
Owners of the posting with high like count (example 300 like count) most likely NOT interested to know who come to like their postings. So to get the best results from the script, the code will avoid postings that already have high like count and only like those postings with like count less than 20 (you can set your number in the script). This is to get the attention of the posting owners so that they can take next cause of action, such as follow you back or say thank you to your comment. As such, your followers will increase. I will show you the results in the last part of this article.
If you are already following a user, the script will not follow that user again. It will then only like the posting of that user. This is to avoid the same user sees repeating comment from us.

So if you like what the script can do for you, here is the code!


How to auto publish post on Instagram Page with PHP/cURL and without using Instagram API (1)

Instagram is one of the most difficult apps for developers to schedule auto posting without using API. Instagram is specifically designed to support uploads from mobile phones only. Instagram team only gives whitelist access to limited  third-party apps for automatic posting on a case by case basis. Another reason is Instagram team want to fight spam and low quality photos.

I was looking for a way to auto posting from website to Instagram page using PHP/cURL without using API since last two years. Lately I found two websites that are discussing about this topic.

Posting a Photo to Instagram Without a Phone


Initially I was not able to make the coding working immediately after download the source files due to several issues such as PHP 5.5 vs 5.6 issue as well as new signature key from instagram app. In this tutorial, I will show you a working draft to auto post single photo to Instagram page using PHP/cURL. I am take no responsibility if your account banned by Instagram. :)

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